
Ramesh Narayanan

Associate  Professor
Tel: 011-2659 1250
Email: [email protected]

Room: V-238 (O)/MS-514 (L)/ V-139 (L) / V-236 (L)

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Technology: Plasma sources in different geometries, with emphasis on ECR and RF sources. Plasma diagnostics [Particle Probes and analyzers, RF diagnostics] 
Scientific: Fusion plasma, ion beams, plasma thruster studies; ECR/rf/dc plasma investigations; time series analysis and nonlinear studies in experimental plasmas; Waste-to-Energy; Plasma-Liquid Interaction

Bibhuti Bhusan Sahu

Associate Professor
Tel: 011-2659 1259
Email: [email protected]

Room: V-350A (O)/MS-514 (L)/ V-139 (L) / V-236 (L)

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Plasma Science and Diagnostics, Technological Plasmas at low and atmospheric pressures, Plasma based functional Materials

Debaprasad Sahu

Assistant Professor
Tel: 011-2659 1275
Email: [email protected]

Room: V-350A (O)/MS-514 (L)/ V-139 (L) / V-236 (L)

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ECR, plasma thruster, plasma based ion implantation, magnetized plasma dynamics

Satyananda Kar

Assistant Professor
Tel: 011-2659 1338
Email: [email protected]

Room: V-237 (O)/MS-514 (L)/ V-139 (L) / V-236 (L)

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Atmospheric Pressure Plasma,Plasma Sources (DC, RF, MW), Plasma Diagnostics, ECR Plasma, PIII

Amita Das

Department of Physics, IIT Delhi
Email: [email protected]

Room: MS-404 (O) / MS-310 (L)


Nonlinear and turbulent phenomena in laboratory, astrophysical and fusion plasmas, fluid, particle in cell and molecular dynamics simulations of plasma phenomena.

Vikrant Saxena

Assistant Professor
Department of Physics, IIT Delhi
Email: [email protected]

Room: MS-511 (O) / MS-310 (L)


Computational plasma physics, laser-plasma interactions, nonlinear plasma waves, XFEL irradiation of rare gas clusters

Prof. Ashish Ganguli

Founder of Plasma Lab / Mentor

Email: [email protected]



Microwave and RF plasma source, Plasma diagnostics, Atmospheric plasma and plasma applications

Prof. R. D. Tarey

Senior Consultant / Mentor 

Email: [email protected]



Semiconductor and thin film devices, DC, Microwave and RF plasma source, Plasma diagnostics, Atmospheric plasma and plasma applications.